Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Monday 02 November 1998

In minutes Im checking out

11.33 In 30 minutes I'm checking out of the Commodore and moving to Chez Patricianear the Golden Gate Park, where I'll be staying until next week.

Toyah is flying in tomorrow afternoon for five days and we'll be based atPatricia's. Our time together in America is less hustled than England, whereit's impossible to go anywhere without Toyah being subject to the gaze. Herewe are free to be little people together, playing and having fun.

Over my morning coffee I am continuing to enjoy David Blake's "Land WithoutMusic" and followed this with a visit to Borders, Union Square.Acquisitions: "Senses Of Place" (1996 eds. Steven Feld & Keith H. Basso) &"Doris Lessing: Conversations" (1994 ed. Earl G. Ingersoll).

I read the first edition of Steven Feld's "Sound And Sentiment: Birds,Weeping, Poetics and Song in Kaluli Expression" (1982) 15 years ago(acquired during Crimson rehearsals in Champaign, Illinois, where AdrianBelew then lived). And Doris has long been a Hero of mine. I devoured "TheGolden Notebook" and the Martha Quest "Children Of Violence" series whenemerging from Sherborne House (I gave the Martha Quests to Peter Gabriel).But the Dorises which I most enjoy are the "Canopus In Argos" volumes, whichI read on their first publication.

The first two volumes of Lessing autobiographies are on my shelves at homeand I am buying them for Nicky, Toyah's sister, as Christmas presents thisyear.

A fax from Diane at DGM World Central this morning addresses my visit tomeet David DelGrosso of DTS in Malibu next week. I am also planning to visitthe new DGM (physical) office premises in Los Angeles, meet Eric and Billfor the first time, and venture out to experience the full monty of DTS.

But now to close my suitcase and set off.

